Creative Journey: Adventures in Self-Taught Arts and Crafts 創意之旅:手作藝術的冒險自學 

I started doing arts and crafts for about 18 years ago. I use all kinds of materials and techniques depending on the project. My designs are inspired by the events, places and people that I love. My favorite piece is always the next one I make.  

I am a self taught artist, I learn everything from trial and error, but the internet provides me most of the solutions. As a perfectionist, my challenge is always about balancing the cost, time and the desire of making things even better. As an artist, I find it hard to focus on monetizing my creations as my head is like a popcorn popper, too many fun ideas just pop out constantly.  

Advice: be curious and don’t think too much or wait too long when you feel inspired. Use whatever materials you can find around you. The problems you encounter will not only take you to a new interesting world, they will also find you your community. Lastly, keep it as a hobby unless can’t function without being creative at all times.

